Action Evangelism has used broadcasting since its beginning in 1972. Dr. Jerry Brandt has been on full network television in America and the Philippines. With the rise of social media, he felt the best investment of time and resources is Vimeo, Facebook, YouTube and other social venues. He broadcasts to a large weekly audience through his LIVE KLU Wednesday morning classroom View and subscribe to AE media also on YouTube Channel. Follow and subscribe to AE's Kingdom Business Blog Click on "READ MORE" to enter the podcast page of inspirational videos!
Write your own "Living Commentary" of the entire New Testament chapter by chapter through KLU's Two year Accredited degree program. Bachelor through Doctorate degrees are offered. This is your place and time to discover your destiny. KLU is accredited, affordable and accessible. Take your entire KLU education on your smart phone, laptop or tablet. Attend "Live" classrooms online or in your community where there is a local campus.
"I believe the Gospel of the Kingdom is the End-time message of authority and power. In Matt 24:14, Jesus said, "And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come." I also believe this could be the generation that completes the Harvest, fulfilling the Great Commission of Matthew 28:18-20. ~ Dr. Jerry Brandt, Founder & President If you would like to join our WORLD EVANGELISM ASSOCIATION go here.
Action Evangelism's vision has always been reaching the nations in answer to Jesus prophecy of Matthew 24:14 "When this gospel of the kingdom is preached in all nations (Ethnos - dialects) then will the end come." Jesus will return when we reach the 2.6 billion unreached people groups who have never heard the gospel. We have found the most effective way to complete the harvest is to raise up national evangelists and pastors to reach the unreached villages. To raise them up, we must equip and train them. Kingdom Life University is our method of training and releasing them to the harvest. You can help us by sponsoring pastors and evangelists with KLU scholarships. Give any amount and please commit to a monthly regular donation. Please set it up on the donation button below. Thanks for your investment in the end-time harvest.
In 1972 God led me to open Action Evangelism. My passion was to reach cities like San Francisco, Seattle, Portland, Sacramento through active outreach and evangelism training through my nightly television program on channel 42. Since 1972 many other venues have opened up for evangelism and discipleship. One has been the exciting online web. In 1997 God spoke clearly about claiming the internet for His kingdom. Since that time we have seen the opportunity for internet broadcasting with our WATV live streaming radio and television networks now reaching 132 nations. We have also recently launched a full broadcast HD television WATV network with 50 channels through Roku, Amazon "firestick" and Google "chromecast' and Android TV. You can open your own HD TV channel with WATV. 2006 witnessed the launching of Kingdom Life University, a full accredited online Christian University. Our students write their own "Living Commentary" of the entire New Testament through KLU's Accredited two year degree. KLU now offers degrees through doctorate. Our VISION FOR THE NATIONS came in 2006. It is to reach "unreached people groups" and help finish the harvest. A major evangelistic tool to reach unreach villages is our SMART PHONE MISSION PROJECT OF 2019. Utilizing people's used smart phones as video players to unreached villages with the Jesus film, children's videos, and health videos. Individuals, businesses and churches are invited to participate in gathering people's unsed smart phone to donate to world missions.